15 Under 15 Feature 29

4 min read

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Queen-Kitty's avatar
I forgot to create and schedule a 15 under 15 feature last week before I left on vacation, which is soooo embarrassing!  I hope this week will make up for it though, because I've got 15 really lovely pieces of artwork to share with you! :heart: There are several quite amazing new artists included as well, and I highly encourage to check them out and give their account a watch! :D  Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Gao by maivab
[Dovydas] by wdx

Spring Adventures by XiaoLin94
. by Sylvie-Ann
Lingering touch by eemotional

Wintertree by SkylerBrown

Untitled by IrinaJoanne

Draw me after you III by Ashai-Autodefe
Elizabeth Vartanian Collier 00009 by TomSimmonds

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maivab's avatar
feeling honored to be a part of this, thank you!!